Our fees are generally based on the hourly rates of our lawyers, paralegals, assistants and articled students who perform services on your behalf.
In the course of determining our fees, we consider the following:
• The time and effort required;
• The complexity of the issues raised;
• The level of skill required;
• Fees typically charged for similar services;
• The benefit of our services to you;
• The amount of money or value of the property involved;
• The results achieved;
• Any time constraints;
• The experience, reputation and expertise of the lawyers performing the services; and
• Our success in achieving your goals.
Our time and effort required are typically the most relevant factors. We maintain accurate records of the time we devote to your matter, including discussions and conferences (both in person and over the telephone), correspondence, negotiations with third parties, fact gathering, legal research and analysis, document preparation and revision, travel on your behalf, and other related matters. Our time is recorded in units of tenths of an hour. The hourly rates of our lawyers and legal assistants have an important bearing on the fees we charge. These rates may be adjusted annually to reflect current levels of legal experience, changes in market conditions and other factors.